Living Room Renovation

Renovation Area: Living Room

Living room renovation is likely to top the list in most of the home remodeling and renovation projects. This is the one room that defines the character of any home, and the one room that most of your guests look at to make a first impression of your home. For such a significant part of the house, it is only natural that you might be spending a lot of time in creating the right mood, setting the right theme that adds a personality to your home.

Size-specific designs

The key is to make your living room spacious but not too vast. A crammed living room space might not be welcoming. And if the space is too big, too open then you might not find it like a private space for the family to lounge. A lot of difference can be created from the positioning of the furniture. Place the sofa away from the walls and add a center table that would ground the look and draw attention to the center. Placement of the rugs also has an impact on the way space feels.

Tips to choose the right furniture and furnishings

  • Accent chairs are great pieces to be placed in a large living room. The chair and its footstool would take up a lot of space and it would also create a cozy nook in the room.
  • Get the wall colors right, be it in the form of wall painting or wallpapers. Different colors have different effects on the mood.
  • Choosing a bright ceiling paint can make the ceiling look high and also allow a better flow of light.
  • Adding cushions can instantly make your couch look more relaxed and lively.
  • Coordinate the colors of the furnishings to create a unique effect. You can choose either the same colors or complementary colors like the opposite pairs in the color wheel. These colors can be used in furnishing options like rugs, cushion covers, curtains and more.
  • Create storage preferably in the form of wall shelves. Avoid too many storage shelves in the living room in order to avoid a cluttered look. Cleaner walls with accents like paintings, wall arts, photos or even quirky wall decors can be much better than shelves.
  • Finally, do not forget to add some greenery. This can purify the indoor air and also make your living room feel more comfortable.

While most people manage to get the designs and the renovation ideas for their living room by themselves hiring a professional design consultant can go a long way. This would help you fix a good budget and get a dramatic makeover done within the budget and within a short period too. Interior designers can especially be helpful when you have a large living room. They would help you create sections in your living room, and suggest ways to make it feel more cozy and welcoming. So what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment today and get in touch with the design experts who can bring new life to your living room.